Pinata pages

Pinata letters and pinata numbers

We can do letters or numbers either in a banner form or as a piñata.

The example above is a blank canvas that could be decorated in any way you wanted. We opted for something quite simple to get the most use out of it!

Penisata in action

You'll never fit that in there love!

Is that the time already?!

That game where you blindfold people and get them on all fours

We went to a party recently where we discovered the chocolate game. You get to blindfold people and get them on all fours, then make them eat chocolate with cutlery. We could have made some suggestions but it wasn't that kind of party. Although the people were lovely and a lot of fun!

Lessons in balloon modelling!

 In addition to making piñatas and painting we also do some entertaining at parties. Mostly for children through piñata face.

Balloon modelling worked really well as an ice breaker at this adult party. There was more fascinator making than rude modelling but a few people got very into it still. 

We're still learning to balloon model. If we ever get good enough we'll add a how to page to the blog. So far we'd really recommend getting 260Q qualitex balloons and their brand pump. We've been through many, many kits! 

Featured in these last two pictures are another very lovely balloon fascinator and a bit of bondage.