Pinata pages

Recycled furniture or the shoe rack that dreamed of becomming a table.

We've finally decided what to turn the old university notes into a shoe rack! Its taken about 4 days so far from sorting out notes to turning them into pulp and then making a start on the actual piece. We're hoping this lot will be dry by the end of the weekend so that we can at least make the first shelf!

We have discussed turning it into a dining room table at some point in the future. With over 60 piñatas in the house space is a bit of an issue! We'll see how it turns out though and how strong the whole thing is by the time we've finished! We'd like a bit more practice before we make a start on the chairs but its about time we replaced our current shoe storage so at least this will do in the mean time. Its better than risking having a table collapse in the middle of dinner. Once we've made a few pieces we might price a few bits up and have a piñata lady furniture range. Lets just see how well this one lasts first!

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