Pinata pages

How it all got started - for adults only!

When a friend’s wedding came up she opted for a home made eclectic theme. And I made her hearts and flowers as decorations. I managed to make about ten in the space of one or two months – and that included working every spare moment over the last few weeks. I thought never again.
 The next year when my daughter’s birthday came around there were a lot more piñatas available on the market and I bought her a pull string unicorn one. I got planning a friend’s surprise 30th in the kitchen and was asked to make a piñata. When I asked what shape she pointed to the long balloon and two round balloons tied up against the back wall of the kitchen and said ‘I want a giant dick’. There was nothing else like it available on the British market at the time.

Christmas came and went before I made my next piñata.

It was no fun having a giant, neon pink, woolly pubed, willy flying towards my face at break neck speed every time I opened my bedroom wardrobe.

The branch manager rang from my bank to inform me that I was 19.50 over my student over-draught. When he asked 'so what do you intend to do this that Miss...' When I told him I was going to sell my penis on ebay, well, he didn't really have much to say to that. It sold for 99p to a local woman who was organising a hen night. There were a few awkward moments when it came to handing over the thing (which I'd tastefully and lovingly shoved in a couple of bin liners). And so the piñata pimp was born...

Nowadays I go by the piñata lady in an effort to be pass for something a little classier. No matter what happens next, in my home town, I’ll always still be known by the piñata pimp and that first giant wanger.